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Friday, 27 November 2009

Swine flu vaccine

This is something I've been thinking about a lot but I've still come to no conclusion weather i want my boy to have it or not.

Its a really hard one and not a decision that is going to be made over night but obviously we all want to do the safest thing for our children. Id be really interested to see...

. which of you mums have been offered the vaccine for your little ones?
. which children have had the vaccine?
. who's definitely not having it?.
. what information made you come to this decision?

So what do we actually know about this? are there any risks or side affects or is it far too early to tell? Any comments would really be appreciated.


  1. I don't know whether to let my 2 yr old have it either, but my OH wants her to have it so I guess she will.

  2. Its a tough one. My doctor is not offering yet to my monkey. I've become obsessed with hygiene gel and swiveling the pram away from, any any hint of a sneeze! I guess if my doc recommends it, I will trust him.What else can we do!!

  3. thanks for the comments. i tend to agree, if the doctor says its for the best then i suppose thats the way its got to be.I havent been asked yet either but i guess we will find out soon if not ill be ringing up and finding out why they havent!

  4. We haven't been asked yet but to be honest I'm kind of dreading the question. My gut instinct is that we don't know enough about the vaccine or the side effects yet. If we get the call though I'll let you know x
