Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors Mummy Madness and Mayhem: Leaving Spain

Friday, 20 November 2009

Leaving Spain

A few months after Tino was born came the heart wrenching decision to go back to England, we had heard there was a possibility of work in Portugal and thought maybe this could be a great opportunity if what we heard was correct we could live in the camper van until this happened and try again there. So off we went managed to drive to Portugal in 2 days Tino was perfect sleeping through the nights in his mosses basket next to the bed and coping with the 30 degrees heat just fine.

So here we are in sunny Portugal far more beautiful than i ever imagined, not built up and hardly any tourists it was great, so peaceful and tranquil and there was a campsite hidden away near a place called Sagres which was perfectly placed on top of an over grown hill overlooking the sea and a gorgeous cove.

The campsite hardly cost a thing as we had a generator and the showers there were so basic tucked away in a shed it was fantastic. But then we had to be realistic no matter how cheap it all is it wont last forever without work to support us. The thing we didn't plan on is if the country side is so beautiful and untouched with hardly any tourism THERE WONT BE WORK!

We tried so hard and found a lovely German lady who had friends close by who may need help at some point and she even offered us her house for 100€ a month but this was all far too little far to late. The heat was getting past a joke one day i remember it was 47 degrees! we had to sleep in a van with all the windows closed because the mosquitoes where driving us crazy you could do dot to dot on Tinos face and we felt awful,

so that was that bye bye Spain bye bye Portugal time to live back in the real world. There isn't a day that goes past that I'm not daydreaming what if i had done that or maybe i could have stayed with this person. All i have left is some of the best memories of my life and to see my little boy growing up with the sun sea and sand around him was fantastic. I miss it soooooo much x

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