Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors Mummy Madness and Mayhem: November 2009

Monday, 30 November 2009

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Sunday, 29 November 2009

Lazy weekend

I am one of the fortunate mummy's and i am extremely grateful that every weekend i have time off from the boy to self indulge or do what ever i want. Its bliss!

But this weekend i am a little ashamed, i haven't moved from the sofa (well only to do the obvious) in fact my neck moulded into such a position when i tried to move i heard and awful crack, for a brief moment i had actually thought i may have broken it! so due to my absolute laziness I'm left wounded.

But anyway all I've done is eaten and eaten crap. Since Friday i have devoured....

. cheese burger and chips (exceptionally yummy) with ketchup and mayo

. fry up x2 (yes i know i WILL regret this)

. microwave Tesco curry (nearly 1000 calories and 3.4 grams of salt in this WELL shocked Tescos you should know better. TUT TUT)

.chicken flavoured noodles (actually low calorie and very tasty only 27p bargain!)

. And my personal favourite was the pack of digestive biscuits half of which was taken to bed with me and finished off at 2.00 am (80 calories per biscuit dis bloody graceful!)

But time to get up, i will sort the house out shortly, eat my Sunday roast, pick my boy up before 8pm and have a lovely long soak in the bath when hes in bed just to finish the lazy weekend off properly.

I love my weekends.... thanks mum your a star! xxxxxxx

Friday, 27 November 2009

Swine flu vaccine

This is something I've been thinking about a lot but I've still come to no conclusion weather i want my boy to have it or not.

Its a really hard one and not a decision that is going to be made over night but obviously we all want to do the safest thing for our children. Id be really interested to see...

. which of you mums have been offered the vaccine for your little ones?
. which children have had the vaccine?
. who's definitely not having it?.
. what information made you come to this decision?

So what do we actually know about this? are there any risks or side affects or is it far too early to tell? Any comments would really be appreciated.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

My bleeding boy

I felt so awful as my little boys feet slipped from underneath him resulting in his mouth hitting the corner of the table and the blood poured out from his freshly cut teeth. "Oh my god" i shouted "hes knocked his teeth out" my heart sank as i prised his mouth open to see what he'd done. Luckily the blood stopped within minutes and i was left more shaken than him he had bit his lip and all teeth in tact.

I began to realise that this is it, the start of the terrors and heart ache, he wants to be left alone to do things himself but this means i have to see him fall over to show him he cant do it yet and i don't like it a bit! hes nearly 11 months old and hes so head strong i feel a lump in my throat with sheer pride, how can he be so clever my little boy trying to walk all by him self!

I'm not sure I'm ready for this stage yet, hes been wrapped in cotton wool since the day he was born. How can i let go and let him fall now? I'm supposed to protect him and comfort him when hes hurt, he is still a baby isn't he?

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Hmmmm whats for dinner?

Well an update on the diet...... Diet pills could be working I'm still not 100% convinced on this but i don't seem to eating as much, but then I'm spending so much time on my blog maybe that's more the reason!

Today's food= Dinner, 2 chicken thingies with chips and lashings of MacDonald's BBQ sauce yum yum! but probably not a good start though. forgot to eat breakfast but I'm sure ill make up for this later. I'm planning on noodles for tea which should keep the calories down as long as i don't have 2 slices of breaded and butter with it! hmmmmm I'm so bad at this dieting stuff.

Positives, going to the gym for a class this evening lets hope i can burn those chicken things off before they attach to my bum!

Monday, 23 November 2009

The great (nearly) escape

My boy is getting bigger and more agile every day. It started off only a few weeks ago with the grabbing hold of the table and using every shaking muscle in his body peer over the top and a little hand appeared grabbing at coffees, letters and everything else in his reach.

Within a week or so he was pulling himself up and trying to climb on top of the table (the look on his face is a picture, so proud of himself) so now coffees and everything else has pride of place under the table and everything else hidden out of sight.

But the latest of Tinos antics is trying to climb out of his walker, he can put his feet on the side of his walker and dangle himself over to pick up what ever objects are left on the floor, or like the other day a log of wood from the floor next to the fire place was lifted onto the tray of his walker! i don't know how a baby can have such strength, it was so bloody heavy i couldn't believe what he'd done. And then this morning, he had managed to wriggle himself downwards out of his high chair he was just about touching the floor! he had managed to do all of this in the time the kettle had boiled.

Hes suppose to be a baby and i don't even see him like that anymore he is so cunning and clever and wants to do everything. I remember people saying to me "cherish every moment when they are so little because it wont last long" and i thought yeah right! life will be far easier when he can get about by himself. My god i was wrong and as much as i hate to admit it they where right..... Wheres my little baby gone someones replaced him with this grown up little boy!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

To shave or not to shave?

I think that is a question on many women's minds as the dark cold weather is closing in. I mean I'm no feminist but i do get the fact that hairy legs are not exactly a sexual statement and i do try my best in the summer months to make sure no stubble shows.

But it didn't seem to much of a problem in Spain not so much the hairy legs but you would often see a beautiful woman sporting a matching pair of under arm muffs which i cant imagine would be at all odour free in the mid summer heat!

But often i would do a quick scan of the beach as I turn to tan my other side and catch a glimpse of the slightly larger than average lady who's got a rather small bikini with a rather large tarantula escaping from each side of her inner thigh as she tiptoes her way back from the sea. I cant take my eyes off it, ITS DISGUSTING! But really.... who is it that's got the problem me for finding it so utterly repulsive or her for not giving a shit?

Now its winter so why do we bother, its a complete pain in the bum, its freezing cold and you want a lovely warm bath, so you set the mood by lighting the candles, adding bubble bath then u you shave your legs and have to get out because your left in murky water and sitting on prickles.

To shave in the shower i have come to the conclusion that you either need to be a gymnast or some kind of contortionist and definitely have some kind of insurance cuz you'll more than likely end up breaking your neck!

Well my decision has been made time for me not to give a shit. Now I'm a mother i think i deserve to have this novelty but i do have a rule, if you can feel or see your hairs through your trousers (and i don't mean jeans!) then now is the time to shave. Obviously when the time comes for skirts which will only happen when and if I'm ever slim again i will have to revise this rule, but for now i reckon be happy with being hairy for the winter, its not like you have to show anyone well maybe your hubby if you have one, but their legs are far hairy than ours only worry boys when we can can grow better beards!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Crappy Telly!

Friday night and I'm baby free....... yay! i thought id sit down for an hour and have a rant about crap TV.
During the day i sort of understand it isn't likely to be great viewing and as much as i detest the irritating, embarrassingly scripted rubbish like cash in the Attic or car booty (that Lorne Spicer really gets on my tits) it still beats the likes of Iggle piggle or Pepper pig. My boys not that bothered for kiddies programmes which is cool, he is far more interested in the adverts at the mo especially direct line or go compare, which is quite strange I'm sure his gonna grow up to be an insurance salesman!

But at the weekend its ridiculous the only good thing on is X factor but even that's a bit of a disappointment this time round, Simon Cowells completely milking the public and it all feels a little bit set up. Its supposed to be a talent competition and the UKs talented hopefuls aren't getting a look in with Jedward clowns getting the whole of Ireland backing them!

How many people live in Ireland? if the whole Irish population voted could they actually win? lets hope even if they do the poor people that have gone out so far get some kind of break, it really doesn't seem fair SIMON SORT IT OUT its gone beyond a joke and I'm getting bored of them!

Well the other thing that could be half decent is the return of I'm a celebrity get me out of here, i haven't been bothered for this programme since the whole Jordan and peter Andre love story, so the return of Jordan after her very public marriage breakdown could be worthy of my viewing.
Im not entirely sure how i feel about her though, there are a few words that pop into my head that i probably shouldn't put on here (don't know why i should hold back I'm sure she bloody wouldn't!) but you got to give it to her, SHES GOT SOME BALLS!

And who's that woman from how clean is your house? (one of my favourite programmes shhhhhh! don't tell anyone) Kim i think her name is, i think she is bloody brilliant! i wish i knew her personally what a great person, she would make a great primary school teacher or an agony aunt or something I love her, in fact i might even write to her some day and get her to visit my house not that its messy just for a coffee and a chat, oh and find out the best thing to get orange baby food out of white bibs lol!

But apart from that what else is there? Im watching road wars at the moment which i like, but its not a Friday night programme really is it? more like a Wednesday night programme.
I remember when i was younger i used to look forward to weekend telly, the great shows like catchphrase, or Noels house party absolute classics and something to look forward to! so what is it that we are supposed to be into now? do our tastes change as we get older or are we supposed to change our tastes to what they decide to show us? I say bring back catchphrase and Noels house party what do you reckon?

Tinos first haloween!

Im not gonna write too much on this one ill let the pics do the talking, my special little vampire!

Leaving Spain

A few months after Tino was born came the heart wrenching decision to go back to England, we had heard there was a possibility of work in Portugal and thought maybe this could be a great opportunity if what we heard was correct we could live in the camper van until this happened and try again there. So off we went managed to drive to Portugal in 2 days Tino was perfect sleeping through the nights in his mosses basket next to the bed and coping with the 30 degrees heat just fine.

So here we are in sunny Portugal far more beautiful than i ever imagined, not built up and hardly any tourists it was great, so peaceful and tranquil and there was a campsite hidden away near a place called Sagres which was perfectly placed on top of an over grown hill overlooking the sea and a gorgeous cove.

The campsite hardly cost a thing as we had a generator and the showers there were so basic tucked away in a shed it was fantastic. But then we had to be realistic no matter how cheap it all is it wont last forever without work to support us. The thing we didn't plan on is if the country side is so beautiful and untouched with hardly any tourism THERE WONT BE WORK!

We tried so hard and found a lovely German lady who had friends close by who may need help at some point and she even offered us her house for 100€ a month but this was all far too little far to late. The heat was getting past a joke one day i remember it was 47 degrees! we had to sleep in a van with all the windows closed because the mosquitoes where driving us crazy you could do dot to dot on Tinos face and we felt awful,

so that was that bye bye Spain bye bye Portugal time to live back in the real world. There isn't a day that goes past that I'm not daydreaming what if i had done that or maybe i could have stayed with this person. All i have left is some of the best memories of my life and to see my little boy growing up with the sun sea and sand around him was fantastic. I miss it soooooo much x

A little bit of the past

I thought id give you a little bit of background info, especially for those who don't know me.

I have only been back into the UK for 4 and a bit months i actually lived in Spain for 3 years in Andalucia which was the best 3 years of my life i was most definitely living a dream. Unfortunately that dream had to come to an end when my partner couldn't find work and i fell pregnant.

The idea was to come back to England to have Tino. But then 7 months into the pregnancy i fell ill and was rushed into hospital, there was a few complications as i didn't understand how often i was supposed to be checked by the docs i thought he pains where normal, but it just got to much to bear and that's when i found out that i had a kidney infection, dangerously low blood platelets anemia, thyroid problems and the list went on!

so after i had the infection treated they realised i had no amniotic fluid and the baby had stopped moving 2 hours later Tino was born. He was so tiny and i was in such shock just dint know what to expect. I loved being pregnant and i felt robbed that i couldn't experience what every one else was experiencing i knew babies where born prematurely and they are OK but why mine it just didn't seem fair.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Walk in the park

Yep you guessed it, didn't go to the gym today..... well it was so windy and cold and there was a big log on the fire it would be silly to waste a good log! so I've been sat in the same spot most of the day, i know its so unhealthy the thing is, being lazy makes you lazy if it wasn't the coffee making me go to the loo every 10 mins i would have got under the sleeping bag and happily slept the day away... oh except that other small problem baby needs changing, feeding and playing with.

Its hard to remember the days of skiving off work and staying in bed the whole morning watching crap day time TV and loving every second of it. Those bloody programmes haunt me now why do they have to repeat them so much? do they not think wed notice if they put the same one on 2 or 3 times in one week, i thought there was like thousands of unemployed people in the country why don't they put good stuff on whilst we are having this recession!

So t.v was rubbish time to take Tino up the park and get some fresh air, it was pretty windy but he didn't seem to mind as long as he had his chocolate bar all good in Tino land x

Oooops No gym!

I am so annoyed with myself.... i was supposed to got to a gym class last night but through feeling sorry for myself i decided not to go. Ive got zero self control at the moment I've got so many reasons to go and even more excuses that make me not bother.
I've started taking these herbal slimming pills to try and stop my over eating and I've got a feeling they are actually working, well I'm not eating huge amounts and i actually left some of my tea last night, it was more to prove to myself i don't need to stuff it down rather than being too full to eat it, it was lush and I'm sort of gutted now i didn't eat it cuz I'm starving! i hope they do work because maybe this is the kick start i need if i lose a few pounds maybe i will want to go to the gym and burn those extra calories. I was thinking of putting some before and after pics up on here pre pregnancy and now so i have got something to aim for the only problem is i haven't got many of me now you stop letting people take you picture when your as big as me! oh god I'm gonna stop whinging now I'm starving.... i well fancy a fry up lol!

Oh and finally my boy was an angel yesterday had me in stitches he is so funny and babies are so clever not that i really see him as a baby anymore hes growing so quickly.
well hes figured out how to turn the telly off and always chooses to do it half way through Easteneders Corrie or Emmerdale (maybe hes trying to tell me something) but then no matter what you say to him he will not turn it back on he just turns around in his walker and scoots off laughing! He was in such a good mood last night actually, maybe his little teeth are giving him a break for a mo, or maybe it was because he saw his Nana, well what ever it was bless him i love him so much xxxx

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Running late!

Well just a quickie, bit of an update freezing cold still! boys having a nap so time to get showered and get ready for a nip into town, need to get rent money out its nearly 2 weeks late so I'm preparing for an ear bashing from the landlord.... oops! well not really my fault it would have only been a week late if the banks computer system hadn't gone down on Saturday, there was a lot of unhappy Christmas shoppers that day! I'm ok though always do all of mine Christmas eve lol! Oh and must not forget to get my food out of my grandmas freezer before she eats it all xxx

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

fat fighting

I'm late again, if it gets past 12 o'clock that normally means no gym today! how the hell am i supposed to be motivated I've been going nearly 2 months and how much weight have you lost Emma? not a f"in pound thats how bloody much. Perseverance is the key apperently but i want to be skinny now! if i can see the end result ill get the motivation to carry on. ARGGGGGGGHHHHH i hate being fat im 13 stone 4 the biggest i have ever been, pre pregnacy i was 9 stone 6 so if my maths is correct that means a grand total of 3 stone 12 to loose!

Well i better get off my overgrown posteria and brush my hair ready for my work out, wish me luck and please send me some motivation


Monday, 16 November 2009

My first blog

Well heres where it all starts, todays the first day of my blogging experiance. Im starting to get very bored of the social networking scene and at this time of the day my boy its tucked up nicely in bed im full of coffee and no chance of being tired, i reckon this could be the perfect thing for me time to reflect on the day and unwind.
Well firstly today i have been more stressed than usual its been absolutly freezing here and i have no heating! must remember to sort that out. and my boy has managed to get on my last nerve not through doing anything wrong in particular but has started this really annoying attention seeking screaming which means pick me up and play with me im bored! not happy about that and it has seemed to get worse since hes been staying at his nanas house more regular. Not blaming you mum..... well yes i am you spoil him too much!