Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors Mummy Madness and Mayhem: Snow is here!

Friday, 18 December 2009

Snow is here!

This was the view from my house this morning. Looks absolutly beautiful like a perfect winter wonderland. Definatly feels like christmas now.

The boy thought it was great although hes not allowed out in it yet, we'll all get wrapped up in a while and make a snow man so more snow pics to follow.

Today is the first day ive had heating and im sooooo chuffed its happened today because my god we need it!

So bye for now im taking full advantage of being snug and warm and im gonna have an hours nap xxx


  1. What gorgeous photies! Hope the snowman building was a success and hope you're managing to avoid those flu germs!

  2. Hi there - I saw your post on the BlogHer Facebook page and thought I would stop by and say hello! I used to live in London - now I live in Fargo, North Dakota in the midwestern United States. I also refer to my mother as mum - a rarity here in the States! Anyway, I love your beautiful, snowy pictures - we have 9 feet separating our house from our neighbors. Please also feel free to check out my blog... www.talesofan-almost-mommy.blogspot.com
    I'd love to see you there sometime!
